Award of the Shimmering Leaf

Let it be known that on this, the XXVII day of October, Anno Societatis LIII, at The Grand Tour – A Taste of Thirteenth Century Europe, the Award of the Shimmering Leaf was established as an Arts and Sciences Award of the Barony of North Woods.

Recipients of this award are being honored for their research, trials, accomplishments, and/or contributions within the Arts and Sciences community of their Canton, the Barony of North Woods, and thus also to the Middle Kingdom and The Dream. Whereas, these noble gentles of North Woods have given of their time, skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity in pursuit and support of the Arts and Sciences; they are most worthy and deserving of acclaim and honor. We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as the Premier Recipients of the Award of the Shimmering Leaf.

  • Gwenllyen the Minstrel – Hawkland Moor – Music and Dance / Penta Pentamere
  • JahanAra bint al-Yehya Amat al-Hafeeza – Ealdnordwuda – Research and Support
  • Octavio Gonzalez de Castile – Wealdlake – Leatherwork (posthumously)
  • Arriss End Starre – Fearann na Criche – Cooking
  • Thorfin Solvarson – Altenberg – Leatherwork and Brewing

We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Shimmering Leaf.

  • Helena Falkenstein (x2)
  • Dulcinea Maria Magdalena von Muhlberg y Aguilar
  • Anthoinette de Martel
  • Gwynneth Featherstone
  • Fujinami no Kaede
  • Gedryn von Eisenwulf
  • Cailin mac Aindeis
  • Horatio Archer
  • Brynn Archer
  • Ivarr of Altenberg
  • Sadb ingen Neill
  • Noelle of Fearann Na Creiche
  • Ginna
  • SaehildR barngodR
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